rage club series
Rage & Fear Club: Leave The 8 Prisons
Inglês Men & Woman
Amparador de Espaço Hannah Hirsh
Junte-se ao Clube da Raiva
31 March 2025 10:00 EDT
7 April 2025 10:00 EDT
14 April 2025 10:00 EDT
21 April 2025 10:00 EDT
28 April 2025 10:00 EDT
19 May 2025 10:00 EDT
26 May 2025 10:00 EDT
2 June 2025 10:00 EDT
Encontro online via
220 - 400 USD


In ancient cultures all across the planet, at a certain age, humans went through initiations to step out of childhood and into adulthood. To move from little to no responsibility, onto their own path. Modern culture has gotten rid of these initiations. Offers to grow (up) are sparse, and you are likely still “living” inside one or more of these 8 prisons: your Mother’s Belly, your Father’s Control, your Parents’ Household, the School System, your Birth Country, your Birth Religion, Patriarchy, and a Linear Life Plan.

Perhaps you’ve been numb to this stunting of your radiance by playing the modern culture game, doing what you were told to do, acting “appropriate,” and giving your center away. Perhaps you find yourself recreating the conditions of childhood, thinking and feeling like your family does, judging, competing, and pretending that you are small. That you are a good, normal, calm person. That you don’t have a beating heart that longs for radical connection, magic and love.

On the Path of Transformation, at some point for some people, the pain of living this constricted way becomes greater than the pain of choosing something totally different. It could start out as a still small inner voice, an unexpected turn of events, or a giant loss. Something comes and shakes or shifts you out of the comfort zone of merely surviving. You decide you want to be fully present for your Life.

In this 8-week transformational training, you are invited to unlock the vast unlimited potential that is available to you through consciously connecting to your Anger and Fear. You will be with your Fear to move towards your Edge and navigate not knowing. To notice, scan, navigate spaces, and find and remove the blocks to your aliveness. You will access your Anger to find your authentic voice, take back your authority and set boundaries that cannot be crossed. To wield your Sword of Clarity, wake up your dragon, and walk the Path that you choose.

Discover with a TEAM what it is like to embrace the brilliance and genius of your Rage and Fear. Step into the Unknown, and navigate the world as a Warrior-Mage.

Spaceholders Beth McNamara & Hannah Hirsh

Dates 8 Mondays, 10 am-12 pm ET/ 4-6 pm CET March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 19, 26, June 2

Investment 220-400 USD/EUR

Your registration is only complete once your payment has been received.

Venmo: @Hannah-Hirsh, last 4 digits 0749
Wise: @hannahh782
Revolut: @hannah9cjh

Amparadores de Espaço

Hannah Hirsh
Integrity, Precision, Aliveness, Empowerment, Interconnectedness
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