
Abaixo, você encontrará depoimentos de pessoas que participaram do Clube da Raiva

Marie-Hélène Jonquières, Toulouse
"Quelle expérience !! Cet atelier a été très impressionnant .. du jamais vu pour moi ; en aussi peu de temps, une connexion aussi forte et profonde avec son (la notre) intériorité et qui plus est : tout de suite en confiance avec le groupe. Une autre façon de retrouver le chemin de la joie, du courage et de la responsabilité. Je recommande.. !"

19 January 2025
Amparador de Espaço Gabriel Hudry Lechemin Gabriel Hudry Lechemin
Monica Canfield, Sebastopol, California, USA
Rage Club is a unique space for me to access my anger and learn ways to work with it consciously. I was amazed how connective it felt to feel anger with a group of strangers. Daway and Meredith led us through powerful exercises to build our capacity to feel anger and co-facilitated a deeply held container that allowed space for more of each of us.

Thanks again for an incredible experience!

19 November 2024
Amparador de Espaço Daway Chou-Ren Daway Chou-Ren
Dayane Mendoza, Sebastopol, California, USA
Through Rage Club, I’ve come to understand that anger is a neutral emotion—it’s not bad, but a signal that I care deeply about something. During these last two workshops with Daway and Meredith, I’ve given myself the space to explore and connect to the root of my emotions. By channeling my anger, I’ve found clarity, healing, confidence, and the power to move forward authentically.

19 November 2024
Amparador de Espaço Daway Chou-Ren
Cleménce, San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico
In addition to a daily women rage space proposed by Gabriela during the bridge house in Inlakesh, Selina and her hold space for a legendary women rage club in the nearby city.

Gabriela is extraordinarily skilled at connecting with the space to lead the people toward the transformation they need.
I am particularly inspired by the way she creates team spirit and empowerment.
We finished the rage club with a full power dragon speaking that fogged up the windows!

The other legend from this space is about the experiment to write a play that Gabriela received. She accepted and few weeks later, she invited us to play the begging of it at the closing ceremony of the bridge house !
I highly recommend her if you want deep transformative space as much as high level fun!

11 November 2024
Amparador de Espaço Gabriela Fagundes
Jacob Waldor, USA
It is rare for me to encounter a space that invites me to become more alive in such powerful ways as Rage Club. It provides a culture that cultivates the wisdom that makes my life soulful and vibrant. In this culture, people are on my side in direct ways and eager to give me feedback. I particularly appreciated the tools that helped me channel the wisdom of my anger. I didn’t know how much aliveness, wisdom, and power was hidden in my anger before Rage Club.

23 October 2024
Amparador de Espaço Hannah Hirsh
Federica Vano, Italy
Marina mi ha offerto uno spazio sicuro e amorevole esprimere quello che era vivo in ​me. Nella mia vita avevo avuto esperienza della rabbia sopratutto come un'emozione ​distruttiva da non comunicare, ragionavo e vivevo quindi secondo una vecchia mappa ​della rabbia. Non avevo ancora avuto la possibilità di sentire che la rabbia, se ascoltata, ​accolta e vissuta nel profondo è un'emozione ricca di possibilità. Ma soprattutto la ​rabbia può essere comunicata in modo amorevole, autentico ed efficace.

1 October 2024
Amparador de Espaço Marina Mello
Zara April, Zoom
Laura has an artful way of holding space for what's alive in the field to influence the structure of the container. Participating in her 3-week online Rage Club for Women experience gave me a deeper felt knowing of my truth. Thank you Goddess Laura, and thank you to the epic group of women who she attracts into her containers! You should work with Laura if you are ready to shed some of your layers of protection in order to uncover more of the potent and powerful gem that you are! Thank you Laura for inviting out the emergence of authentic power. I am grateful for the epicness you are helping to birth in our world!

17 September 2024
Amparador de Espaço Laura McGuirk
Valentina Nakupenda, San Cristobal de las Casas, México
Fue buenísimo el espacio de ayer, noche me quedé soñando con ustedes, seguíamos haciendo ejercicios, practicando... Había un círculo de muchos animales alrededor de nosotros, viéndonos, reconociéndonos, sintiéndonos.
y en agún momento Gabriela y yo estábamos acompañando un parto juntas, en realidad ella lo estaba atendiendo y yo la acompañaba y le daba algunas observaciones. Fue muy interesante, como si Gabriela estuviera muy puesta para atender parto y yo estuviera ahí para apoyarla.

Quién sabe... los sueños, qué se presenta.. por qué, pero por lo pronto agradezco mucho todo lo que estoy sintiendo, agradezco este grupo, y me agradezco a mí porque no me quiero dejar morir...

16 August 2024
Amparador de Espaço Gabriela Fagundes