
Untenstehend findest du Erfahrungsberichte von Menschen, die es geschafft und an Rage Club teilgenommen haben.

Mikis Van Geffen, Golden Bay, New Zealand
Rage club brought me on a journey where my relationship with anger changed significantly. Jacopo along with two other space holders guided me step by step in experiments where I discovered how anger is a neutral energy and super versatile. It can be used consciously to create grounding, presence, clarity, intimacy, boundaries, to name a few.

The space inspired me to be vulnerable, to go deeper in my experiences and to bring me to some of my edges. One of the layers it exposed is how I used to avoid anger. For instance out of fear for loud angry voices, for other men or how I had learned that anger is bad.

Jacopo held the space in a grounded, focussed and calm way which made it safe and inviting to be open hearted and gradually built the connection and intimacy with the other men over the four weeks. It was serious, fun and playful, all of that!
Very inspiring and such a necessity in the culture I live in.

26 April 2024
Raumhalter Jacopo Lombardo
Jordan Green, US
Laura’s rage club was a game-changer for me. Before, I used to suppress my anger, burying it deep down. In our sessions, I realized the stories I had around anger, and ways in which I turned it inward toward myself. Throughout the four weeks, I learned to tap into my conscious anger, which brought clarity around what really matters to me and confidence to use my voice, set boundaries, and shape my world the way I want it. It was eye-opening and inspiring to be with a group of women who embrace their rage and use it as a force for creation. By the end of the four weeks, I walked away having reclaimed my voice, my power, and my anger.

28 March 2024
Raumhalter Laura McGuirk
Jacqueline O’Neill, US
I felt myself able to be held where I was at in a new way that I had not before. Laura held a space where women could simply be themselves where they were at and she kept meeting each of us there again and again. She also kept deepening in her own vulnerability as a spaceholder which transformed her into a clear, powerful woman navigating us with her impulses and aliveness to the very end, when the women stayed on another 30 minutes after the last session ended because they didn’t want to leave. You were and are legendary Laura. Thank you for saying yes and going. You inspire me.

25 March 2024
Raumhalter Laura McGuirk
Sara Morrell, Nelson, Canada
I have attended Laura’s rage clubs, which are transformative and alive. In these spaces, I felt held by the depth of presence and connection, leaving me with greater clarity, empowerment and aliveness. I can also recommend 1-1 work with Laura, she supported me with tools to navigate my own heart, empowering me to hold space for younger parts of me and to go to my edges, supporting me to be with what is real and alive and bringing me closer to my true nature. Laura’s spaces invite realness and connection and I would recommend attending, if you want to come to know yourself deeply and meet others in this way.

22 March 2024
Raumhalter Laura McGuirk
Emma Stumm, Canada
Laura, I want to let you know how much it means to me that I got to know you and I am so grateful that you inspired me with Possibility Management Work and took me to Rage Club! The work has changed a lot in my conciousness about myself and I want to explore that further. Many times I noticed how you brought me to the edge of my box, making me question and I loved it! Thank you for sharing that with me!

6 March 2024
Raumhalter Laura McGuirk
Greice Campos, Brazil
Eu tinha a sensação de ter perdido o fogo e descobri que estava abafando por tantas vozes.

Percebi hoje que o Clube da Raiva facilitou eu enxergar que como eu me via era história. O que eu amo fazer e é importante para mim, eu posso e tenho capacidade para fazer. Não para agradar. Mas agir de acordo com o meu ser.

Ouvi algo da Gabriela que ficou ecoando em mim e hoje isso aterrissou mais - usar a espada é cortar as merdas para eu ver e estar com o que importa.

E assim posso ir além. Ando sentindo o medo de ir além do conhecido e também sinto alegria por estar nesse espaço. E é possível sentir os dois

8 April 2023
Raumhalter Gabriela Fagundes
Iryna Makarenko, Bali
For several days before Karol invited me to Anger workshop I’ve been talking to psychotherapist about my repressed emotions. So this theme was interesting for me. Some practices were very deep and emotional. But one was very strong for me. I felt fear to go deep to that practice but I felt will to do it. And it was really great, energetic. I let my anger went out! I never did like this before. And I felt pleasant emptiness after. I felt my strength. I felt that energy. And I understand that I can use that energy. I was satisfied with myself, that I went deep. And the next days I felt my strength, felt my center. Now I try to remind myself that feelings to be in my center and to use the power of anger in creativity and actions.
Great workshop! Thank you, Karol!🙏🏻

16 March 2023
Raumhalter Karol Nowakowski
Elza Nunnes, Brazil
Duas percepções e transformações que aconteceram na minha vida e atribuo ao nosso trabalho no Clube da Raiva.

A primeira foi interna: Na semana passada, meu filho (19a) passou o fds todo comigo, coisa que não acontecia há pelo menos uns dois meses. E, percebi que ao me deparar com pequenas situações e comportamentos dele que me deixava muito irritada, eu não me senti afetada, não tinha irritação e nem raiva. Apenas observei e internamente senti o que senti. Não entrei em reatividade. Isso foi incrível.

A segunda foi externa: quando me encontrei presencialmente com a minha melhor amiga, ou seja, alguém que me conhece profundamente, e passarmos três horas conversando (ela está morando fora há um ano e esteve aqui de passagem), recebi dela no dia seguinte a mensagem abaixo:

"Amiga, achei tu tão bem.
Achei q tá tranquila mesmo em meio às adversidades."

16 March 2023
Raumhalter Gabriela Fagundes