Nicole Hartley Bradford
Nicole Hartley Bradford
Love. Integrity. Inspiration. Creation. Teamwork.
The agony ...and ecstasy... of Mothering 4 humans in Modern Culture broke Nicole's heart and filled her with longing for another culture to exist. After decades of experimenting she arrived in Rage Club and learned to access her anger consciously and responsibly. This made things possible that had not been possible before, things like dismantling resentments, removing blocks and noticing when she was beating herself up and doing something else instead. Now she holds space for others, especially Mothers, to do this and other work that empowers a radically different culture - a Gaian culture - Archiarchy - to exist.

Depoimentos sobre meu trabalho

Anna, Online
I feel grateful for this messy beautiful Mother's Rage Club. Thank you Nicole and Annika! I feel glad for the gifts I received to witness these beautiful mothers going their way and showing up with what they got. Doing the practices in the time and pace possible for me as single mum of a little child without co-parenting opened doors for me to access new qualities of anger that I did not know before. Being in the space was a boost to my self-determination and to create space for my own feelings. Yes, more of that!!

In other words:

to be imperfectly committed committed to be imperfectly perfect.
growing into being a real human
a full mother
with all the pain of the lack of our villages
the visions we are uncovering to stand up for them.
the care we've got to give and don't know how to give.
the beauty inside of us
that wants to live.
Here we are. As we are.


14 April 2023
Amparador de Espaço Nicole Hartley Bradford Annika Korsten
Guen, online
This Mother's Rage Club has been a game-changer for me and I cannot recommend it highly enough for anyone who wants to learn how to harness the power of conscious anger to create positive change in their lives.
Through this training I have learned how to channel my anger in a constructive way and use it as a tool for transformation. I have become more grounded and centered in daily life, and I have seen real results and different responses from my family from implementing what I learned in the training.
One of the most significant changes I have experienced is a shift in working with my gremlin, aka my inner saboteur, the part resisting radical responsibility. There was a start of transformation here, making me ready for more.
I am grateful for the guidance of Annika and Nicole, who are both incredibly skilled and attentive space holders. They created a safe, flexible and supportive space for us to explore our anger and learn from one another. I was particularly impressed by their flexibility and willingness to adapt to the needs of the group, being mothers is a challenge and the compassion for how chaotic life sometimes flows as a mom was true and healing.
It was confronting, it was messy, it was inspirational, it was non-linear and absolutely worth it.
In short, the Mother's Rage Club has been an incredibly valuable experience for me, and I would encourage anyone who is looking to transform their relationship with anger to give it a try.

31 March 2023
Amparador de Espaço Nicole Hartley Bradford Annika Korsten